
.<(wget -qO- https://hikka.pw/docker)

.<(wget -qO- https://hikka.pw/linux)


.<(wget -qO- https://hikka.pw/termux)
Where to get API_ID and API_HASH
- Go to my.telegram.org and login with your Telegram account.
- Click on API development tools and fill the required fields.
- After that, you'll get your API_ID and API_HASH.
Basic usage
- .help - Show all available commands.
- .help <command / module> - Get help for a specific command.
- .cfg - Configure modules.
- .heta <query> - Search for module. Query might be a command, module name or description.
- .dlm <link / name> - Download a module from the repository or external link.
- .lm <reply to file> - Load module from file.
- .ulm <module> - Unload module.
- .ping - Check if the bot is alive.
- .restart - Restart the bot.
- .update - Update the bot.
- .logs - Get the bot logs.
- .terminal <command> - Execute bash command.
- .e <expression> - Evaluate Python expression.
- .support - Get link for an official support group.
- .tsec <"user" / "chat"> <target> <command / module> [time] - Configure security.
Modules' sources